There's one thing I want to share with you guys! I know the below situation is hard to believe, it this really happened.
I was in China on the 13th day, waiting for my results online. It had actually been declared for most of the candidates as the drop down showed 3rd March date. However, after trying multiple times it was still displaying " No Results Found".
Out of anxiety, I called up the test center in UAE from China and they said that my result was withheld. I did not understand this concept of withholding of results until then. I searched internet and understood that this wait could be from 1week to even 6months (rarest case). I was completely broke. However, i was still refreshing the page in anxiety to get the result, then this thing happened.
The result with the exact same score appeared. 8.5,7.5,7.5,7.5. I actually saw it that very day. I was excited, shared news with my family back here in India. At that moment I did not realize to take a screenshot of the webpage. After all of this happy discussions, I tried to reload the page to confirm if what i saw was true, and BANG...the page again shows up as No Results Found..The happiness only lasted for a few minutes..and was broke.
The worst part for me here was as compared to other candidates was that i knew what my initial result was..and now i knew they were rechecking..which made me anxious by thinking that i should be put down in rechecking..i prayed god every second of the day till 9th April that even if they decide to score me down, dont let the score be below 8777 as that was what i was initially striving for!
But thank goodness! there's no change in the score than to what i saw initially! I have already refreshed the page more than 100 times to reverify it!

And now hoping to not get any changed score in the TRF when i receive at home