Thank you all for sharing your comments!!
I would say that i do believe that maybe in the beginning Canada should be tough, but it is worth it!!!
You have not lived where i live....a country without any hope, future and especially no JOBS!!!!
You just have to very lucky in here!!
Poor country, with poor public transport no means and no security for our children's life!!
I am a mother of a 3 years little boy and i would like to raise him up in a better place!!!
But apparently i have not enough points to risk....
And a special thank you to sraj07....
Following yours and everybody's advice, i have overlooked the provinces and their criteria..... Seems like a lost battle!!!!!
Ah and just two questions:
Do you get extra poits for having a family member citizen in CA ????
Which province would you recomend me?? 4168 NOC code
Thnx in advance!!!