Nope....Thursday is the right answerThursday is incorrect !
Correct answer is Friday!
I can write down the tape script as well if you want!
First 3 not given??Are u sureReading anwers for T/F/NG
What,s the answer for listening question- the event was most affected by - no of participants, requirement of participants or traffic on roads ?No , thursday is correct as the male voice said appointment is available for thursday and female voice said that she is available on friday .Then the male voice said either thursday or monday next week and then female voice mentioned ok then this week!
I think no of participants.... Anyone confirm?What,s the answer for listening question- the event was most affected by - no of participants, requirement of participants or traffic on roads ?
But it mentioned that there isnno upper age limit...if u r fit enough without any health probs esp lung issues can join...and the question was people above the age of 70 may be allowed.......1)People in the age of seventy can do xyz was not mentioned anywhere.
2)Dont remember the question
3)Dont remember the question
I think number of vistorsWhat,s the answer for listening question- the event was most affected by - no of participants, requirement of participants or traffic on roads ?