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>>>>>> 2021 TR to PR Pathway AOR & Timelines <<<<<< Join here


Hero Member
Nov 3, 2015
Based on the information you entered, we found no applications.

What do I do next?

You may have made a mistake entering your information. Go back and try to enter it again. You can only try to link an application five times in 24 hours.

If you still have trouble, contact us.

Is anyone getting this ?
Almost everyone is getting this. You won't be able to link your application - by any method - until they've started looking at your application. One of the people that said they could link their account was about the 4th or 5th person to apply at 12:05 pm. Try again in a couple of weeks and you'll probably be able to do it by then.


Star Member
May 16, 2021
.Recent International Grad stream:

submitted at 12:09pm Toronto.

tried linking app using uci and all that. Nothing found.

will update u guys if something .

(sry i was just reading this forum since it started, thought I should update as well)

cheers ;)
Some people were able to link their application today


Star Member
May 11, 2021
No way. Unlike work permits, PR processing takes time and applicants need an AOR to keep track of their application progress.
But like work permit we have provided most of the stuff first hand the officer just had to cantact us for basically pcc or medical that's it. Just guessing


Hero Member
Feb 20, 2020
Enjoy your long weekend and try again next week. Once you can link your application, file number will be in there and you can update through the webform without waiting for AoR ( I still haven't got AoR email yet)
Just a quick question, did you pay few days before or at May 6 ?