I think the most enlightening things I learned from my CBSA/GCMS notes received yesterday, Nov 17, (based on guidelines on how to read the notes) are:
- Eligibility: 'Passed' in Whitehorse on August 4, even though my account still says "We are reviewing ..."

- Medical: 'Passed' which is the same as on my account

- Re: Background Check, my account says "We are processing ..." but notes add some detail:
- Security: blank, therefore it is either 'In Progress' or 'Passed' (otherwise it would say 'Not Started' per guidance on reading notes)

- HIRV (Human & International Rights Violations): blank, which is good & should stay that way

- Criminality: 'In Progress'

- Organized Crime: blank, which is good & should stay that way

- Misrepresentation: blank, which is good & should stay that way

- Info Sharing: 'Complete'

- Other Requests: blank, & if no one requests info from another dept, etc., it should remain blank

- Final: blank

Also, I learned that although my primary office is Whitehorse, secondary is Calgary. And, that a few sections have a due date of May 9, 2023, which I truly hope is not target but a maximum deadline instead.
So if your file is similar to mine, you might learn that your Eligibility is passed, a few more details in your Background Check, your processing office (though I'm not sure what good knowing that does) and a possible due date on your file (though again I'm not sure that offers much insight other than, hopefully, setting an outer limit on processing). You can decide if that's worth $5.