Under normal circumstances, it will start processing in six, seven or eight months! It's been more than eight months since I submitted, and the processing has not started! Does anyone have any news, I submitted the application online last August!
i got medical and pre arrival on Aug 11 and Aug 12 thats about itUnder normal circumstances, it will start processing in six, seven or eight months! It's been more than eight months since I submitted, and the processing has not started! Does anyone have any news, I submitted the application online last August!
I’m also single applicant and waiting from March 2021 just be patient, you reaching out to them won’t change anything in the process. This is a fixed process that every application goes through. The processing times are about 22 months now. Once the 22 months had passed, then you have to rights to follow up with them. IRCC is under a lot of pressure right now, they have tons of backlog.I have sent the Web FORM countless times but the responses I have received are the same, very official! What I don't understand is why is it so fast for those with dependents? Shouldn't the single one be faster? This will make future applicants have a misunderstanding. Is it faster to find a so-called family member to apply?
Yes, that sounds good! What am I still struggling with in August, let's wait! Are you in Toronto?I’m also single applicant and waiting from March 2021 just be patient, you reaching out to them won’t change anything in the process. This is a fixed process that every application goes through. The processing times are about 22 months now. Once the 22 months had passed, then you have to rights to follow up with them. IRCC is under a lot of pressure right now, they have tons of backlog.
also I think it’s better that family applications are processed first. We all get PR one way or another, however for family applications it’s the time that matters for them to reuniteHope this helps!
YesYes, that sounds good! What am I still struggling with in August, let's wait! Are you in Toronto?
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Under normal circumstance, unfortunately with current "backlog" situation, they are not back to normal except "spousal Sponsorship". Sending several webforms with same subject will not push application, instead might delay your application. PR Processing timeline is 23monthsUnder normal circumstances, it will start processing in six, seven or eight months! It's been more than eight months since I submitted, and the processing has not started! Does anyone have any news, I submitted the application online last August!
Did you receive COPR? or they put Pre Arrival on hold pending medical exams?i got medical and pre arrival on Aug 11 and Aug 12 thats about it
you have been waiting long, i hope they start your application
You need to understand purpose of webform and its use. When you send webform, you create open query to an officer working on your file not to proceed to further step and read what is on the form and act on it. Lets say, you change representative, officer need to update that information before moving forward, to avoid sending key information to someone not supposed to. Or you change key information on Schedule A that may redirect background check etc...Hope make senseYou mean our sending the form rush will cause immigration to deliberately delay processing?
You need to understand purpose of webform and its use. When you send webform, you create open query to an officer working on your file not to proceed to further step and read what is on the form and act on it. Lets say, you change representative, officer need to update that information before moving forward, to avoid sending key information to someone not supposed to. Or you change key information on Schedule A that may redirect background check etc...Hope make sense
Thank you for your detailed explanation, I will no longer send forms to urge, I will wait patiently! My so slow estimate is related to sending the form before!
I dont mean to discourage you, but you can do whatever you wish. You are Aug 2021 Applicant, as per the IRCC, you have not exceeded normal processing time, but you chose to have your own statistics based on what people post their timeline. Read below, which one applies to you that makes you sending multiple webform hoping to push your application.....
You may use this form if:
- You have submitted an application or profile.
- Your application has exceeded normal processing times. We will not respond to your enquiry if the application is within normal processing times.
- You wish to report important changes, such as a change in contact information, births, deaths, marriages, divorces, adoptions, changes in employment, withdrawal of application, refund request, or urgent requests. If you are reporting a change in contact information, it will take 5 business days for it to be updated. During this time you should continue to monitor your old contact information.
- You wish to add, change or cancel a representative and you are ready to upload your Use of Representative Form (IMM5476) or you authorize IRCC to release information from your case file and you are ready to upload your Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM5475).
- You require urgent processing of your renewal/replacement Permanent Resident card. To be eligible for urgent processing, you must provide:
- proof of travel (itinerary or ticket) that shows your full name, destination and travel dates;
- proof of payment for the travel that shows the date you paid, the full amount you paid, and how you paid;
- a letter explaining the reason for the urgency; and
- proof of the urgency (e.g. a doctor’s note, death certificate, or letter from your employer).
- You wish to report a technical issue with IRCC online services. Please select 'Technical Difficulty' as your application/enquiry type and ensure you provide:
- type of application (work permit, study permit or visitor record, etc) in the 'Your enquiry' field;
- approximate date that the application was submitted, if applicable, in the 'Your enquiry' field.
- complete address (including the postal code) in the 'Your enquiry' field. If the residential address is different from the mailing address, please provide both addresses;
- Unique Client Identifier (UCI) number / Client ID number, if you have one;
- online application reference number, if you have one;
- telephone number. If you have more than one contact number, please provide them all;
- screenshot(s), if possible.
i don’t know they sent medical first next day they sent pre-arrival letter i guess something will happen after medicalDid you receive COPR? or they put Pre Arrival on hold pending medical exams?
U said previously that you got medical on April 11 en now Augusti got medical and pre arrival on Aug 11 and Aug 12 thats about it
you have been waiting long, i hope they start your application
yes april 11 august was a typo my badU said previously that you got medical on April 11 en now August