Congrats. Is it for EE-NSNP?bellacanada said:Just had nomination email from rlmd ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quickly go to job banks specifically in NS, apply for jobs & you will get an automatic mail from employers, that will be ur correspondence to send to NSNP. Also send ur CV & reference letter to NSNP. But if you have got PER from ur fsw 2014 apps, then u can forget NSNP.concretejungle said:I just received request for additional info!I had totally given up and applied for fsw 2014
Now they are asking for clarification on job description, study certificates, correspondence with potential employers, settlement plan and proof of funds.
I dont have any communication with potential employers because I had given up on this entire NSNP affair, what, do I do now?
Also what would suffice as clarification of job description? Should I send a reference letter? I didnt send one during my initial application.
Anyone kind enough to help
Thanks Bensonams. Additionally, I am yet to get my Masters certificate as the Senate is yet to sit and award degrees. I intend to attach email correspondence with the exams department as well as a cover note.bensonams said:Quickly go to job banks specifically in NS, apply for jobs & you will get an automatic mail from employers, that will be ur correspondence to send to NSNP. Also send ur CV & reference letter to NSNP. But if you have got PER from ur fsw 2014 apps, then u can forget NSNP.
Since you have PER already, write NSNP of ur withdrawal at this early stage to free up space for others to be nominated!concretejungle said:Thanks Bensonams. Additionally, I am yet to get my Masters certificate as the Senate is yet to sit and award degrees. I intend to attach email correspondence with the exams department as well as a cover note.
Ps. I have gotten PER from fsw but I think I should follow this to a logical conclusion. Will I be able to opt out after nomination?
Thanks for your advice. Will do so.bensonams said:Since you have PER already, write NSNP of ur withdrawal at this early stage to free up space for others to be nominated!
concretejungle said:I just received request for additional info!I had totally given up and applied for fsw 2014
Now they are asking for clarification on job description, study certificates, correspondence with potential employers, settlement plan and proof of funds.
I dont have any communication with potential employers because I had given up on this entire NSNP affair, what do I do now?
Also what would suffice as clarification of job description? Should I send a reference letter? I didnt send one during my initial application.
Anyone kind enough to help
Pls, buddies answer luqi.luqi said:one of my friend got email from NSNP to create an EE profile and send them the number and job seeker validation code. I need to ask will this be the Express Entry application number to send them or anything else?