Inioluwa said:
Good day house.
I got my immigrate VISA already and planning to arrive Halifax in March 2016. I need help on how to arrange accommodation before this time. Also any link to any employment agency.
This may interest you i read Electrical Electronic Engineering. And also how is the employment market for this profession at present.
Thank you.
Hi Inioluwa,
Should be in contact with ISANS (Immigration Services Association of Nova Scotia). They'll help you with the necessary.
Here's their website,
Since you're outside of Canada, go over to here to register
Now for the benefit of others reading this, this is only meant for those who have confirm receiving there permanent residency status.
All the best.
I am also extending this. For accommodation, will you be coming on your own or with a family? How big a family? What's your budget? A note of advice is to inform your current landlord (if you rent) you would like them to be your reference for your future Canadian landlord. If you own a home, you probably get someone from the bank to vouch for you that you consistently paid your mortgage.
The following link shows how the job market for EE is in Halifax,®ionKeyword=Halifax,+Nova+Scotia&source=0&action=final