Serenity482 said:
Yes you are right. in Germany there is mostly english speaking music. German music is coming but its mostly not as good.
But its also very important in germany to speak english. Well at least in the bigger cities. i was living in cologne and it was very international.
Its cool that you have been to germany. what did you liked there most and what didnt you like?
I was in britain a few times. but mostly for conventions. i was a little buffy the vampire slayer freak *haha* So i went to london, brighton and blackpoool.
ohh permanent resident. i dont like waiting...

but i hope AIP will come soon and my new open work permit, so i don't have to stay in fear, that i maybe have to go back... and you? I can't wait to have my permanent resident card and live and work as i want to.
oh and by the way.. i am 30. and you?
Yeah I've been to Germany about 5 or 6 times. We went to an outdoor festival in Kassel one year and there was 1 stage playing Germany music, the rest were English. Lady GAGA was big at the time. One of her earlier songs, I can't remember which.
Yeah your right, everywhere you went people know English. Every-time we went to Germany with the Pendle-Kassel Exchange, we always stayed with a teacher and her husband who is a head teacher, 2 different high schools in Kassel but her English is perfect, she is an English teacher.
I've been to Frankfurt, Hamelin, well quite a few places within a few hours from kassel, because of the exchange.
I like how Germany is very clean and well kept. Like Kassel is immaculate, like the floor in the city centre is clean and the roads / paths aren't broken. I like the trams because it is easy to get about, most countries scrapped them and now are bringing them back. I guess Germany has brought them back? I like the frankfurters and I liked in Hamelin, the rat poison. All the tourist shops sell a strong alochol called Rat Poison, well the German name. I bought some and we got pissed on the coach, we finished the bottle.
A bad thing, once when we were in Germany, the engine on my parents car blew up... it needed a new engine. The car was taken to a garage in Kassel, but when we tried to pay, they said they didn't accept the card (it was a mastercard). We had no other payment method, so we had to contact the British Embassy so they could help us. Basically this went on for a few days. In the end the British Embassy sorted it out, so we pay a second garage and the second garage would then pay the first garage.
So after that we drove the car out of the garage, just got on to the road and no brakes... stopped the car immediately, looked underneath and their is brake fluid pouring out of the car.
It was just outside the garage on the roadside, we went back into the garage to tell them, they apologised etc but very dangerous... Anyway the car had to be left with them. We went back a few days later to collect the car, once they fixed it.
We go in and he isn't smiling - because the car had no brake fluid, they could not move it. They left it on the roadside over night. Sometime in the night, someone had slashed all 4 tyres on the car (probably because it had a British number plate).
They showed us the tyres but because it was the garages fault that it had to be left by the roadside, they had to cover the cost of replacement tyres.
lol the conventions must have been fun, I have never been to a convention. So you were a bit of a groupie then?
Yeah well you are close to getting the AIP and Open Work Permit now... As long as you've provided enough proof, it will all be good. Did you send the police check and medical when you sent the application?
I'm 28.