Hi Wortip!
No, I called CIC a week or two ago, and the representative on the phone was nice but couldn't see anything about medicals or police certificate. I sent an email inquiry yesterday. The only other time I emailed (to confirm that my CSQ had been received), I think it took a little over a week to get a response. I'm not actually "worried" at this point, but I'd like to confirm that things got matched up.
I suppose at some point in the next month or two, I'll be requesting our notes, too. I just don't feel too enthusiastic about learning anything that matters or helps the process out in any way, so I try to just sit back and wait.
Aww, how sweet of you to remember! The tornadoes in Oklahoma thankfully didn't impact my family or friends too directly, but a medical center was destroyed. Since it was close to the hospital where my sister works, they've be giving some shifts to nurses who previously worked at the destroyed center. It has my sister's schedule all messed up. She still plans to visit, but it looks more like August or September now.
I'm very thankful for technology, though! It's my birthday, and I'm all alone, but I've had friends from all over the world send me birthday wishes. I've talked to my mom and sister for a long time on the phone for free, despite them being in another country, about 3000km away. And I spent almost two hours chatting with my sweet husband by video, talking about everything and nothing, and getting to see a smile on the handsome face I love so dearly. So, thanks to technology, I'm not at all alone. I have love pouring in from all over.

I'm often grateful for the age in which I live. Even a mere 20 years ago, it would be so much harder to keep in touch with people, so much more expensive to get to hear my mom's voice for an hour when I miss her. Impossible to talk face-to-face with my husband when he's 4 provinces away.