Thanks for putting me on that chart lyn!!

Me and my husband's interview with CIC Montreal is tomorrow!! We have some much stuff to do. I just finished off putting together an album of 150 + photos. I'm super nervous and not sure what to expect!! We had a meeting with our consultant on Thursday for some interview advice...he said the interview should be fine and straightforward, and the worst case scenario is that they'll separate us and ask us a bunch of random questions to see if they match up...he said they can be intimidating (e.g. say "I know you're lying to us) but that we have to be firm yet polite, and show how much we love each other.
Here's the proof we have so far:
- photos in an album (from the beginning of our relationship until yesterday lol)
-emails between me and my parents mentioning my husband
-screenshots of facebook chats between me and my husband, me and my husband's mother, and me and my friends telling them about my wedding
-hydro bill, internet bill, and furniture financing bills (some in only my name because they wouldn't put his name on, but all showing our address)
-a printout of my last paycheque, and one from my previous job
-insurance information showing my husband as my only beneficiary (and being covered on my health insurance)
-letters from our landlord (who lives downstairs) my best friend, my husband's best friend, our neighbours and my husband's mom
-bus tickets, and cottage reservations
- original marriage certificate, originals of all my husband's old transcripts from university, and some my my T4s...and his passport obviously, mine is being renewed
Can anyone think of anything else we might need???? We haven't had much time to get things ready. I really hope everything goes ok tomorrow! I'll definitely make another post on here for other people who will have interviews like us.
Wish us luck!! :-X