nado said:
Hi dear all colleagues ,
Hope you are doing fine . I have a question to those who did the landing .Is living in canada a nightmare ?

Yesterday I ..called my relative in canada telling him I was coming , he filled me with discouragements to the extent of making me feel I made a mistake when I applied . I even could not sleep all night yesterday thinking of his words. he said u can't live with out a car here and can't find a job with out it , the weather is horrible, finding a job is almost impossible , etc ...... Is it true ? ??? I mean I know I have to face challenges but he pained a very grim picture .
Awaiting your answer
what is your profession?
it is hard for immigrants but it is not as grim as your cousin said, you need to start preparing before you land, researching, (if you have regulated trade you need start doing your papers while you are still in your home country).
Also you need to understand that in order to get a job you might need to do volunteering for couple of months and maybe up to to 6 months before you find a job in your field but at the same time you may find directly right when you land. several factors are there, your location (living, etc,,), your profession, your cv, portfolio etc..
Planning before you go is crucial.. thats why me and my husband we are planning to land come back to our home country and then preparing all papers and doing research before going back again.. (well unless you stacked big stash of money).
as for the car, if you live in the suburbs your cousin is right you need a car to move..
and for the weather.. for gods sake its canada.. not ME or bahamas... yes it is cold..