This was adequately answered . . .Thanks for your answer however I'm asking if I need to be physically in Canada for at least 730 days as PR or only have PR status for 730 days with for example being in Canada only for 650 days is good enough. Thank you
You can't have qualified 1095 days if you have less than 730 days physical in Canada as PR. because the maximum days you can count as temporary resident is one year max. e.g. you stayed in Canada as temporary resident for 10 years, still one 365 days max can be used towards citizenship.
Stated otherwise:Simply, yes, you must have spent at least 730 physical days in Canada AFTER becoming a PR.
The maximum pre-PR credit is 365 days. Thus, at the very minimum, to qualify for a grant of citizenship, the applicant must have at least 730 days ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY PRESENT in Canada AFTER becoming a PR.
So NO, 650 days actual presence as a PR is NOT enough.
ABSOLUTELY agree that the best approach is to use the online presence calculator, and CAREFULLY be sure to enter all relevant dates. That will tell the tale.After reading all the to be honest well intended but confusing answers maybe the easiest solution for the OP is to simply refer to the offical physical presence indicator where the guidance is pretty clear and can even fill in as a draft.
That said, the question here should not have triggered much confusion. The instructions about eligibility for citizenship are quite clear that the maximum credit for pre-PR days is 365. No way to get to 1095 without at least 730 days actual presence AFTER becoming a PR.