Hay from where did you get this info...??? Very Interesting.

Federal Skilled Workers
Applications for Permanent Residence status in Canada
The new set of Ministerial Instructions
July 1, 2011 until June 30, 2012
On June 25, 2011, Vol. 145, No. 26 of the Canada Gazette published the ministerial instructions that will go in to force on the first day of July of 2011.
The ministerial instructions will affect the following three categories of applications for permanent residence status under the IRPA:
- Federal Skilled Workers
- Federal Investors (a new cap has been set for 700 files / year)
- Federal Entrepreneurs (the program is currently suspended until further notice)
This report will address changes to the Federal Skilled Worker program and not the Entrepreneur and the Investor.
The current list of occupations permits 29 types of experiences to submit applications to the Centralized Intake Office. Applicants who can demonstrate a minimum of one year of experience in one of the occupations and who manages to accumulate a sufficient number of points on the Federal Skilled Workers selection grid may be recommended for further processing by ?a? visa post.
The new set of instructions maintained the same list of 29 occupations without change. The changes however all pertain to the intake.
The total number of applications that will be processed under each category will be limited to 500 applications only. The maximum number of applications processed without an arranged employment offer is now affixed at 10,000 applications.
Advantages and disadvantages of these instructions
- The new cap on occupations will surely reduce processing times on both the CIO and the visa posts levels
- The new instructions will surely reduce the backlog of old applications for permanent residence status that are currently being processed at visa posts, as more resources will now be available as a result of reduced applications intake
- The fact that CIC has maintained the list of occupations it published on the 26 day of June of 2010 is a clear indicator that those occupations are still critically in demand in the labour market.
- The new ministerial instructions form an indicator that the lists of occupation will most likely change on the 30th day of June of 2012, with the exception of some strategic occupations.
- Greater competition on the 500 applications allocation, which will render the initial screening of the application rather lengthy (on the CIO level) as more applicants will try to submit their applications as fast as possible to circumvent returns of applications due to the cap.
- An overall deterrent for individuals who require time to prepare a file that is compliant with sections 10, 11 and 12 of the regulations
- More scrutiny on the level of the CIO in screening applications is expected. Any component deficiencies, regardless of their magnitude will most probably render the application ineligible for processing
Applicants are encouraged to systematically plan for the process of submitting their applications.
Applicants are also advised to commence the third party examinations to establish their proficiency in the English / French languages prior to expending any efforts in collecting supporting documentation for their files.
Caution is also advised when preparing file for submission as any mistakes or deficiencies will render the file ineligible for processing and the time required by the CIO to return the non compliant application and the time required by the applicant to fix the file will probably be long enough to render the corrected submission rather too risky to be submitted on account of the CAP approach.