Firstly I want to congratulate everyone who already succeded in their quest for a better life and wish good luck for those who want to try (again) this July.
I admit I did not had time to read (YET !) all your posts as I discovered this forum just yesterday :'(
I have a question for those who are from Romania or the western Romania and succedeed last year :
alexchristi, stranger4ever maybe, or anyone else who has the time to advise me on what courier did you use to sent the application package ? I am considering TNT(3 days they say) or DHL (426 ron , 3 days?!? ) ; do you have some advise on this matter?
And another issue I have : I have been working since 2003 after I graduated in small IT firms belonging to my brother and me& my husband. I have an economic university diploma (Internationational Transactions ) and on the payrolls I was an 'economist' or 'general manager' , most of the time with minimum wage and 8 hours and for about an year 2 hours/day. The thing is that I can make myself some letter with my duties for every firm that I worked in , since now I am the administrator of all ;D but I am not sure if that 'looks' good on my application ... I am thinking to send some copies from legal papers (cartea de munca, adeverinta de vechime -in romanian

) to prove my experience and legal employment. What to ypu think about this? How detailed or 'fancy' should the letters linked to the professional experience be ?
I think that being an economist ont the managerial positions and most of the time administrator too , eventhough I did not run these firms all by myself, shoud qualify me for the 1122 code with no problems, but I have no ideea of how detailed should I be regarding this subject
And another question if you can : is it usefull / advisable to include my husband's IELTS of 5.5 in my aplication? I have an 8 overall .
Many thanx in advance ! :-*