Current land covered the New Zealand is 21% .... and by the time European came. It was 50%What was the answer?
refrigeration is the right answer i guessthe question was which technology, so Refrigeration should be correct i guess
Current land covered the New Zealand is 21% .... and by the time European came. It was 50%
i gave already please checkN also multiple choice in listening ....31-35 ...about students
In James n Anna transportation one congestion option or no idea oneN also multiple choice in listening ....31-35 ...about students
I write it likeN also multiple choice in listening ....31-35 ...about students
CongestionIn James n Anna transportation one congestion option or no idea one
Does any1 remember little text of answerI write it like
So u wrote 2 body paras?due to lack of time i couldn’t able to write example for bp2
let’s c