I am wondering if I can get work permit for 3 years with Two certificates that one is obtainded in Aug 2017 and the other will be obtained im Apirl 2019 within 2 years after obtaining the first certificate.
1. First certificate (Jan2017 -Aug 2017)
2. Left Canada ( Oct 2017 - Aug 2018)
3. Second certificate ( Sep 2018 - April 2019)
"Students holding a one-year graduate degree, diploma or certificate from a participating institution in Canada after having obtained, within the prior two years, a certificate, a diploma or degree from a participating institution in Canada may qualify for a three-year work permit. This exception also applies to students who have leftCanada temporarily between programs of study."
Is my situation applied for this exception, so can I get pgwp for 3 years?
1. First certificate (Jan2017 -Aug 2017)
2. Left Canada ( Oct 2017 - Aug 2018)
3. Second certificate ( Sep 2018 - April 2019)
"Students holding a one-year graduate degree, diploma or certificate from a participating institution in Canada after having obtained, within the prior two years, a certificate, a diploma or degree from a participating institution in Canada may qualify for a three-year work permit. This exception also applies to students who have leftCanada temporarily between programs of study."
Is my situation applied for this exception, so can I get pgwp for 3 years?