I think you people really wanna travel to Canada

Anyways....Please brief us about ur points and other details so we can at least come to know your dad's points for qualifying under FSW under 0213.
Until we get full info we wont be able to comment on anything,
On your question for reply...you said that you had submitted your application on Feb... is it 2010 i.e last month or 2009 ???
If its 2010 then you are requesting something that stands very less chance.
CIO at least takes 2-3 months to reply to your application......
So have a chill and don't hurry in sending the other application until you get a confirmation of the 1st one....
Coz when applying for the second application you need to mention the previous reference of CIO rejection.
So please wait and let us know all the info.
You can also send me private message and i will respond and every1 in this forum will respond you.
I am sending my documents to CHC New Delhi tomorrow and i have also applied under 0213 as Computer Systems Manager.
So all of us can help you with anything you request