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    >>>>>>>NOVEMBER 2019 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    Not quite there yet. I think it's more like Oct 2020.
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    >>>>>>>NOVEMBER 2019 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    There was some hope last year around the same time and then processing totally stopped after a short while, but I remember last time the lucky ones were all fresh approvals. This time they are really working on the files that were approved a long time ago. Hopefully this time the rain lasts.
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    Dude I feel ya. I was so desperate to leave the US and all its shitty politics behind and work for some of my friends. Now, having lived in Canada for nearly a year, after IRCC first stopped processing my fsw file and subsequently stopped CEC draws, I am starting to see things differently. The...
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    >>>>>>>NOVEMBER 2019 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    At this point I am less worried. They can't hold pending applications forever. Originally they might have planned to secretly sweep FSW program under the rug and cancel pending applications when the time's right, but they have missed the best chance to do so. I am sure now they have realized...
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    >>>>>>>NOVEMBER 2019 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    It makes sense but doesn't mean much. Pre-Covid processing basically stopped at Sep and Oct '19 AOR. It's exactly two years.
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    Whatever Marco thinks is probably evil and irrelevant. My only point is I don't believe any minister has power above legislation, and cancelling applications that were already processed and opening new streams are different things because one is against law and another is not. And of course, I...
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    If I understood it correctly, the ministerial instruction part you are referring to pertains to conducting draws and streamlining processing. But it does not give the immigration minister power above legislation, which requires complete applications to be processed. Also, even if this is all...
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    My point is, even if they wanted to do it *this time*, we will probably know their plan because the legislative bills will be publicly available before they vote on it. We have not seen such moves yet.
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    I am not too familiar with the Canadian political system, but in the US at least, making even small legislative changes on immigration requires a bill passing both the house and senate and approved by the president. How are the liberals so sure whatever they want to do can be done faster than...
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    It requires legislative change. I think cancellation was probably on the agenda before the election because the liberals were betting on their chances to win a majority. Now that it is more difficult for them to just do that, they may realize it is more difficult to make legislative change than...
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    LOL. I'm 2019 aor all passed fsw inland sitting here waiting for cec at 500+ so I can submit a second application. What you are saying makes me wanna get a pnp as well after cec submission, and maybe tr-to-pr if they have quota for my noc next year. I guess the safest approach against bait and...
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    Then it would not make much of a difference to have a new minister, I guess. Imho there's no serious partisan politics in Canada, so I'd rather say the incompetence of IRCC is more tied to individual politicians rather than a party.
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    Something I can't quite make sense of: now we all know that the goal of Marco's leadership of IRCC is to restrict the amount of access skilled workers have to Canadian job market; however, massive fsw draws were still conducted in the second half of 2020. This seems to mean either 1) those draws...
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    If the new guy is our guy, he should finalize pending fsw in 2 months, and delay processing low score post aor CECs indefinitely.
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    You can tell from Mendicino's fake ass smile he's a psychopath who feels threatened by people smarter than him. This new guy doesn't give off the same vibe. I guess that's a good sign.
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    FSW Inland PR applicants

    Can we ask Montreal to ask Ottawa to transfer our files to Montreal?
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    I would look into Japan if I were eastern European. Many people have done it. It's a decent country, and there are some high paying jobs for foreigners depending on your skillset, plus you will be treated almost like a king.
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    Population of Afghanistan is 38.93 million. Let's say Marco sets half of that to be the quota, and stops all other immigration streams so that the only way to become a PR is to be born an Afghan, then, with the 400k target, which is 0.4 million, it would take about 50 years. We will get PR by...
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    This is great. Now they are processing the cec mega draw; 7 months from now would be May next year. With reduced cec draws from this quarter, and the afghan excuse not holding up anymore, IRCC will have to think about the possibility of thousands of '19 aor fsw inlanders taking them to court...
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    FSW Inland PR applicants

    Nobody knows. Maybe they just assumed all of us will eventually jump on the CEC train. It seems like a practical option at this point. IRCC can't deprioritize both FSW and CEC at the same time. The number of PNP applications is small, and I don't see a reason the higher-ups would hate EE so...