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  1. S

    Reasons for rejections of citizenship applications

    Rejected means re·ject verb past tense: rejected; past participle: rejected /rəˈjekt/ dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste. In actual fact rejected is the more accurate word rather than returned. It was rejected in its current state which means I have the option to make...
  2. S

    Reasons for rejections of citizenship applications

    yes I mean rejected to redo if i choose so I phoned them and the woman said they are super strict and to just add my pension in there. It is rude to accuse me of not being truthful what reason would I have to make this up. I agree perhaps returned to redo is more accurate term but still comment...
  3. S

    Reasons for rejections of citizenship applications

    Mine was rejected because I did not fill in the employment grid even though I stated on the form I was never employed and I am disabled
  4. S


    I see this is pretty old but I leave this reply in case another searches for the same question as I have.I am disabled so do not work I ticked on my form I did not work and i was at home and they rejected it because I did not fill out the employment section so if i were someone in your position...