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  1. M

    Can my wife and child (temporary residents) stay with me while I have implied status?

    Sorry, yes, they are Visitor Records. I always forget the terminology.
  2. M

    Can my wife and child (temporary residents) stay with me while I have implied status?

    OK thank you very much for clarification. One final question - considering my visa extension has not been accepted, and therefore my work permit is currently only valid until the 1st of February, do you think it is likely their extension application will be rejected? I am worried this may be the...
  3. M

    Can my wife and child (temporary residents) stay with me while I have implied status?

    Thank you for you help. Could you explain why they would need to apply for a restoration of status? They are currently temporary resident visa holders (albeit valid only for the next 10 days), so surely they should be able to simply apply for an extension of the same status. I'm not sure what...
  4. M

    Can my wife and child (temporary residents) stay with me while I have implied status?

    In reply to galaxys0: I believe it is a skilled work permit as I am working as a researcher at a University. My wife and child first used their eTA to travel here from the UK in January, and then applied for temporary residency in approximately February (can't remember when it was accepted). My...
  5. M

    Can my wife and child (temporary residents) stay with me while I have implied status?

    Hi there, I am living in Ontario as a foreign worker on a closed work permit (from the UK). My wife and child have temporary resident visas which were accepted on the basis of my work visa. My visa expires on 1st Feb (soon, I know), and so do my wife and child's visas. I've recently submitted...
  6. M

    Requesting original paper documents to accompany successful eTA application

    Oh cool, good to know. Sounds like that might be a viable option as we are in Hamilton so we aren't too far from the border.
  7. M

    Requesting original paper documents to accompany successful eTA application

    Unfortunately I don't have access to her passport right now but as far as I recall it only said the date of arrival (January 20th). I'll check when I get home today. I hadn't considered the option of flagpoling - that might be a much quicker way to get hold of a document. However, I will need...
  8. M

    Requesting original paper documents to accompany successful eTA application

    Thanks for the info, Bs65. I can appreciate that a provincial body such as ServiceOntario therefore cannot accept the eTA as evidence of being allowed to stay in Canada. The only other information that my wife and child have as evidence that they were admitted to the country is the stamp in...
  9. M

    Requesting original paper documents to accompany successful eTA application

    Update: I called CBSA but they said to speak to immigration...
  10. M

    Requesting original paper documents to accompany successful eTA application

    From memory, I'm fairly certain that the representative at ServiceOntario saw the stamp but said it was not sufficient. However, it is possible that this was missed (she might have been looking for paper documents and didn't check the stamp properly). I will try to speak to them again and...
  11. M

    Requesting original paper documents to accompany successful eTA application

    Hi there, Firstly, thank you in advance for listening to my problem, and I hope someone out there can help. I recently arrived into Canada (Ontario) from the UK on a closed temporary foreign worker visa, and my wife and baby daughter have joined me - they have entered the country using the...