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Search results

  1. R

    immigration: couple of transgender + male

    My questions are actual. I changed my born certificate. If I understand correctly, I need to tell immigration officer only if I have old name/or sex in Born Certificate, doesn't it? I haven't actual state papers with my old name/sex.
  2. R

    immigration: couple of transgender + male

    OK. We will try another ways to up our points. Probably, we can up it to ~390-396. Or my husband try to find job remotely, it provides, we know a sufficient number of points. Thank you, scylla, for answers. What about my other questions?
  3. R

    immigration: couple of transgender + male

    OK :( How do you think, how many points we need to get a chance? Are you sure? Did you read my note? And how about medical tests in my situation?
  4. R

    immigration: couple of transgender + male

    Hi all! I'm transgender woman (Male-to-Female post-op transsexual). I completely finished transition, and my friends usually know nothing about my past. I look like a really girl. I have a woman ID, woman University diploma, birth certificate, and another documents, but not all of them -...
  5. R

    jobs with lower level English!

    If level of my English is pre-intermediate, can I found job in Canada? I'm IT engineer, and have a good job in my country. I have about 8 years experience in IT. I have no any problems to find good job in my country - every time, last 4 years, I have a more 2 job offers. I can to work for...