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Search results

  1. O

    New SIN Number based on COPR Letter

    hello, Thanks for the info. My online status just updated to "decision made", and I know I still may have some time before I get the call/letter, but I was concerned about getting a SIN. I am not sure, but that is what I need so that I can work... Right?
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    FBI Clearance (USA)

    Hello all, My application was submitted about a year ago. The biggest hiccup I had was the request of my FBI background check. Third party channelers are promoted and approved on the FBI website. Although tempting, do not use them. The CIC will not accept it, and request you submit an original...
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    June 2015 - Outland applications

    Congrats to everyone!!! It is a waiting game from here on out, and patience will have to be your best friend. I sent my application about a year ago and just got a "Decision Made" update. So, I hope I get good news any day now. I just wanted to give one piece of information/advice... I did not...