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  1. D

    TRV afer immigration visa-plese help!

    Thank you so much. What do you think how much money should I have in my account to convince them that I don't want to stay? And if I add a property that I own now, is it helpful, because I did not sending that before? My husband has his own company now, is it still necessary that I have to be...
  2. D

    TRV afer immigration visa-plese help!

    Can someone tell me can I get a tourist visa now, if I previously applied for immigration(it has been refused)? But now I really do not want to stay there, only for a visit. I am asking you because I read somewhere that if you're ever applied for an immigrant, you can never get a tourist no...
  3. D

    TRV for me and my son, please help!

    I heard that I will never be able to get a TRV if I asked before immigration, matter how far everything has changed ... Is it possible??
  4. D

    TRV for me and my son, please help!

    I must ask you something else what do you think if there is any chance at all that my husband make an application in the same time as we,but he will ask only for 15 days because of work. Is there any chanse for such application? He will be booking his flight same us me and son to Canada,but for...
  5. D

    TRV for me and my son, please help!

    Thank you very much for your answer! Do you think it is better for me to apply on-line or via the new VAC in Belgrade?
  6. D

    Very Upsetting

    Almost the same reasons like in my last application. Also I made a question here but didn't got any answer jet.
  7. D

    TRV for me and my son, please help!

    Is it necessary to get TRV for me and my son, which is two years, that I must be employed and have property in my own name? Or is it enough just to show a higher amount of money in the account in order to get it? Please help! I was refused last year. I wish now try again. What is the best to...
  8. D

    Viena-TRV for me and my son, please help!

    Is it necessary to get TRV for me and my son, which is two years, that I must be employed and have property in my own name? Or is it enough just to show a higher amount of money in the account in order to get it? Please help! Thank you!
  9. D

    TRV for me and my son, please help!

    Please help, I know it extensively, but I sincerely ask you to read and help me! I would like to apply for me and my son, which is two years old, for a Temporary Resident Visa. We plan to stay a month. In Canada I have my mother who is Canadian citizen since December last year, she's working...