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    Re: ALBANIANs – LET'S CONNECT AND HELP EACH OTHER Pershendetje Un jam i pajisur me vize amerikane dhe kam planifikuar me dal ne usa dhe prej usa ilegal ne kanada. un kam plan me apliku si azil apo immigracion dhe me e arsyetu me ndonje dokument falso qe jam i prrwzikur ketu la ka dikush...
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    Kosovo Immigrants to Canada Thread

    WOW this was clear. Thank you so much for all this help/ Looks like IT isnt good but since i have that experience i was looking only for IT. Is there a chance to apply for something else if i have IT experience?
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    Kosovo Immigrants to Canada Thread

    Dear amikety, First of all you are not mean , you are a very friendly person who made me clear what to do. Of course i went to many many many websites and have read alot but the application process is a little complicated so hiring someone isnt a problem for me but i wanted to find someone. I...
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    Kosovo Immigrants to Canada Thread

    I would like to apply for a canada immigration probably as a skilled worker but ive seen that many provices do have its own procedures. Is there someone who can help me step by step how to start with the application ? Thanks
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    Re: ALBANIANs – LET'S CONNECT AND HELP EACH OTHER Perhsnedetje juve, sa mire po ndihem qe po shoh shqipfoles. A ka mundesi per shkak se kam vendos me apliku si imigrant ne kanada a ka mundesi dikush mem ndihmu step by step se qfare me ba dikush qe me ndihmon shume ju kisha falenderu se nuk po...
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    Kosovo Immigrants to Canada Thread

    Dears, I would like to invite people who are Kosovars and have informations regading the Canada immigrations so they can help each-other here in this thread.