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  1. compuadnet

    how to retrive past calls and messsages form skype

    and you can do the same for MSN messenger in the tools and options area under messages.... :)
  2. compuadnet

    Sponsoring girlfriend/boyfriend/fiance

    You will have your PR already since you mom made the application for you and your father so you dont need to make an application for yourself since is has already been done from what you say earlier. You will need to do the spousal application or commom law one if applicable either in canada...
  3. compuadnet

    Thread for Febuary applications

    My wife got her Visa stamped in her passport 2 days ago :) I am glad this process has finally come to an end. I hope all goes well for the ones that are still waiting as truly this process is worth waiting for, unfortunately its a long process for some. God bless you all!
  4. compuadnet

    payment reciept

    For the processing fee sending your application to CIC-M they do not send you a letter saying they got the payment if you paid online because the receipt is already available for you to print out. I would think that it you paid it at a bank then they probably may send you one, but again that is...
  5. compuadnet

    Outland application to Quebec in French

    The CSQ application for Quebec "must" be filled out in the french, other than that the rest can be done either both languages.
  6. compuadnet

    Question regarding child entering canada alone after parent.

    ah great... Hi Iarlue, any word yet for your visa? We are still waiting also for the return of the passport. The end is always nerve racking!!
  7. compuadnet

    Question regarding child entering canada alone after parent.

    Hello, I am trying to find out the answer to this scenario and if people have any idea if it can be done please let me know. thx :P Ok, my wife intends on arriving in Canada in about 1.5 months and she has a 17 year old son who will finish school in November and would arrive in Canada in...
  8. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    haha yeah I know.. I have already been told and yup we sure have to celebrate... August 17th is a day to remember forever. :)
  9. compuadnet

    Thread for Febuary applications

    Im Tom... I have good news!! My wife got her visa approved today toooo!!!!!!!! on the same day, same embassy as Iarblue hahah!! wooohooooooo
  10. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    Iarblue, what are the odds, our wives meet have lunch and they both got their visa's on the same day... now thats priceless!!! lol
  11. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    My wife got a letter in the mail today saying her visa is approved!!!! woooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo No interview either.. just need to pay the fee and give the passport and get it back... im soooooo happyyyyyyyy... Iarblue, we got it on the same day hahahahah :P
  12. compuadnet

    Thread for Febuary applications

    good luck Iarblue! my wife works right inbehind the canadian embassy there... she is funny.. she was saying she could go visit her during her lunch or call her :P
  13. compuadnet

    Where do they send medical forms for Outland from Brazil?

    it costs us 500 reais for 2 people and that included the shipment to trinidad tobago... this is from Sao Paulo.
  14. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    yes congrats! one day our time will come :P
  15. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    ah ok... i thought it was the final decision for the whole process... my bad ;)
  16. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    I thought they mailed the decision to the person being sponsored and are asked for their passport no?
  17. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    I just dont understand how some people get theirs super fast... our application was received in Sao Paulo April 1st... and yes docs were requested but why such a long wait for my wife :( Congrats by the way! SOON Iarblue..good luck!
  18. compuadnet

    Thread for Processing through Sao Paulo

    Out of Sao Paulo also.... Documents were requested on June 8th in regards to my wife's son..., went to the embassy and gave it to them on june 24th. Still waiting.... :(
  19. compuadnet

    Thread for Febuary applications

    i sure hope so.. this wait is killing me... been since feb... have to be soon!! whens the interview again?
  20. compuadnet

    Thread for Febuary applications

    well ive mad eit back to canada after being with my wife for 10 months in brazil. it was one of the hardest things i have had to do. i have left to prepare for the arrival (hopefully soon) and started to get things setup here in laval/montreal. for those who have had to leave their spouses...