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  1. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    what is the reason for these requirements? Am I missing something?
  2. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Safe travels.Welcome to Canada.
  3. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    It will be delivered DHL. It will go to the address u put on Appendix A the form that came with Passport request. Congrats to you. It was only a week from DM that we received our passport, but I hear it could take up to 2 to 3weeks sometimes. :)
  4. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Well I received good news this morning. My beautiful wife received her Visa yesterday. ;D The wait is finally over. We can now be together here in Canada. I don't know how many April Applicants have received there Visas, but all the best to everyone. I pray that it all comes soon for everyone...
  5. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Thanks for the explanation. That's great news ;D :P My wife will be so happy. This whole process will finally be coming to an end, and my wife can be with me here is Canada. :)
  6. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    They have my email. I was sent email when I was approved as sponsor. Our PPR was sent to my mailing address. process started Oct 13th 2012. What does ecas stand for?
  7. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    When we login to check our Client Application Status thru CIC (UIC #) it says "A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision." Thats all. I am not sure of your explanation here "If your ecas shows the ff statement" ???????? Don't know...
  8. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Had my decision made change on CIC website Nov 7th 2012. It tells us we will be contacted by letter. Does this mean they are sending Visa or a different letter. Maybe you can explain for me Thanks. ;D
  9. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    How does Manila send letter after decision has been made on your aplication? By regular mail or DHL
  10. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    well I don't know what could be wrong. Maybe sombody else has some feedback for you.It must be on someones desk, have to try to contact Manilla Imm. somehow. Dont have any other suggestions. Sorry.
  11. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    There was a Use of Representative form on each. Your forms and His. on mine as sponser I put N/A, then on my wife's I put myself as her Use of Representative. That's why it was mailed to me. If the forms are in Manila CIC cant help u here. You need to email them or call. The CIC agent I spoke...
  12. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Did you fill out the forms yourself of did u use an agent? If you used an agent ask the agent because he may have put him/her self in as use of Representative.
  13. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Oh OK. Well that is a different situation. Did u fill out the use of a representative form? That's who will get the PPR.
  14. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    I am not an expert on this by any means, but because your husband is in Kuwait his employer has his passport and Manila knows this.His employer may not give up the passport. He may have to finish his work there. Its funny this came up because I am here at Starbucks and there is an Iranian who...
  15. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    CONGRATS to Spouse of Cavitenoz landed in Canada. Hope u have a winter jacket. Hehehe ;D
  16. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    My wife lives in Cebu and got the new NBI fast. We should have got the NBI last with Medical. We didn't know it only had a 6 month expiry.
  17. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Yes the letter was passport request with NBI and Advisory on Marriage from NSO. The NBI was expired its good for only 6 months.
  18. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    Yes it was snail mail. But I scanned the papers into a PDF FILE and emailed it to my wife. She then copied them double sided. gathered what Manila wanted and DHL to Manila Imm. I received it here Oct 9th 2012 she mailed it Oct 13th 2012 and that was our process date. We had a decision by Nov...
  19. habsrule66

    APRIL 2012 Applicants for Spousal Sponsorship Manila Visa Office

    It was mailed to me here in Canada, Regina. snail mail. took 26 days. The reason for this is I put my name on my wifes papers as Use of Representative.