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  1. A

    China Applicants Thread

    Hi ! Thanks for sharing your dates ! I am also sponsoring my Chinese husband from Qc, and I had no clear idea about CSQ delays and everything. I sent my application on Sept 4, so I guess I can expect to wait for 6 months from now... Thanks again, Anne-Sophie
  2. A

    China Applicants Thread

    Hi ! I submitted my demand to CIC Mississauga on Sept. 3rd, and I still did not receive anything, no confirmation of reception, nothing. Is this normal ? thanks a lot !!! Anne-SOphie
  3. A

    China Applicants Thread

    Hi! Thank you all for sharing your information about delays and everything! I just started to fill my application, and it is cheering me up to read that lots of people successfully went through the process. I am from Montreal and I married a Chinese guy this summer after three years of...