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  1. S

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    yeah wayne.... kindly answer this question. How long it took your DD to encash?
  2. S

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Thanks for your support. Yes I announced the expected payment to my bank. Infact, I have announce it several times to them as of now.
  3. S

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    I am so nervous, I cannot eat or sleep properly...... someone say something...boost my confidence....raise my spirit....
  4. S

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Category: FSW 1 NOC : 1122 (HR professional: Talent Development) App. Recieved at CIO: 5th July (approx.) Credit Card NOT charged IELTS: 8.0
  5. S

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Hi guys, Apologise for my ignorance, however, how do I access the spreadsheet and put my record in ??? :o