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Search results

  1. T

    OINP - International Student Stream - March 12, 2024

    My guess this was requested because of the size of the company and the nature of your business. I work for a social service municipal organization that covers a whole district and all our financial information is public since we are not for profit, so I would not think that they would ask of...
  2. T

    OINP - International Student Stream - March 12, 2024

    Not me. What kind of job do you do and what kind of company do you work for? Also, I am curious, who did they send this email to, you or your employer? I hope you don't mind me asking.
  3. T

    OINP Internation student stream - Deadline

    I do not think there is anything that can be done. You just hopefully they will do some draws before your due date. Alternatively, you can submit EOI to other streams like foreign worker stream if you have experience outside of Canada or in-demand skills stream ( you work in IT right). There is...
  4. T

    OINP - International Student Stream - March 12, 2024

    I did not. Didn't your employer include that on the employer form?
  5. T

    OINP - International Student Stream - March 12, 2024

    you can apply you just wont get language test points with an average of 6 or below.
  6. T

    OINP - International Student Stream - March 12, 2024

    I can only respond to the second part. I might be wrong but maybe they need your diploma or degree. When I applied, I submitted my official transcript plus my degree (the certificate that say you have a earned a degree in whatever and showed that date you graduated signed by the vice president...