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    Are visa services being offered to Canadian citizens who are already in India?

    Hi @nivaan5 thanks for this thread. It is very informative. With various lines of conversation going there I am a bit confused. Can you please confirm To summarize: You traveled to India on Indian passport (within 30 days) of acquiring Canadian citizenship. On arrival here you were required to...
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    Canada Passport and India Visa

    Thanks you very much for your response. Boxy's response may be valid but it was not warranted for.It had nothing to do with my querry. Thanks
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    Canada Passport and India Visa

    Hi My child became Canadian citizen , while she was in india, when I attained Canadian Citizenship. I am now applying for her Canada passport at the Canadian Embassy in India and then will also apply for her Exit permist from eFRRO website. Will I need to get some visa for her as well? WIll the...