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  1. KabeerWest77

    Field of Study

    Bachelor's in Hotel Management obviously goes under Hospitality & Tourism. However in my case it's more confusing as my Bachelor's was in Mass Media and Communications with a final year specialization in Advertising. Any advice from anyone here what would be the most appropriate field of study...
  2. KabeerWest77

    Field of study question

    What about someone who graduated in Media and Communications? With a final year major in Advertising. Nothing in the fields of study options matches Mass Media or Communications... Please help..
  3. KabeerWest77

    ECA from University of Toronto Comparative Education Service (CES) - My Experience

    IMO - MailTranscript is a blatant rip-off with unreasonable commercial agendas. Unless you are in a different country altogether and have no way to complete the transcript processes yourself, a word of caution to the audiences here : don't go with any third-party Transcript services. WES...
  4. KabeerWest77

    1 year PG distance learning - India

    @Wenu don't know which University /College yours is, that issues 9 month PG Diplomas but as a general rule of thumb any postsecondary credential lesser than 1 year may not be considered because when you have to fill out your Express entry application, you need to specify the duration of your...
  5. KabeerWest77

    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    @abhimanyu_kohli. : Go with WES or CES in my experience these two may get you the best probability of securing your expected ECA equivalence. (Based on your profile). I too have a similar acad. Background and I got a positive report from WES which was one less hassle to worry about.
  6. KabeerWest77

    PGWP Query

    It is very much possible. Plenty of friends and colleagues who completed 3 year Bachelor degrees (provided they graduated in the 1st division from UGC recognized and NAAC accredited A-grade Universities) have been given admits to 2 year Masters degrees in Canada / USA and Australia.
  7. KabeerWest77

    What is P.G in Mass media n communication counted as?

    @darkkid85 can you please mention what FIELD of STUDY did you/your wife finally select (for her BMM Degree) when you were filling out the Express Entry form? I'm also a Media & Comms Bachelors-Graduate and there is No field of Study such as Mass Media or Media and Communication in the Express...
  8. KabeerWest77

    I cannot find B.M.M as an option in degrees. Please help.

    Hello. I'm facing the same issue as you were. Wondering what field of Study in the online Express Entry form did you end up selecting?? Please do update on the outcome.
  9. KabeerWest77

    I cannot find B.M.M as an option in degrees. Please help.

    I'm facing the same problem as the OP. Same degree (BMM). But in response to your question - the ECA I got from WES does not actually say that it's a Bachelor of Artts equivalent. It states Bachelor of Mass Media as-is. With the field of Major : Advertising. And as I am just about to file my...
  10. KabeerWest77

    Two or more Degree/diploma Clarification/ Suggestion

    iGNOU is an Open Distance Learning (Central) University that has jurisidiction all over India, and recognition from global Institutions as well.
  11. KabeerWest77

    WES Procedures - University of Mumbai

    Yes, a close friend of mine was in the same boat (change of colleges during BMM) - so Yes you do need Transcripts from all individual colleges attended as well as the Final Year marksheets directly from MU. Though the entire Transcript upload process is online now { just google :- mu [dot]...
  12. KabeerWest77

    Sophia College for Women recognized by WES?

    No need to get confused over this. A lot of info on public groups is not always accurate, and from what you mentioned about Sophia's being unrecognized in contrast to Mumbai Uni being recognized - sounds like some misguided info you got from somewhere, which you should take with a pinch of salt...
  13. KabeerWest77

    WES query for autonomous courses

    P.S. I just joined this forum as a new member so don't hold it against me if some of my answers are for older queries asked by others. I get that it may be too late of a response for the original post but my info can still help other people in the same boat at present.
  14. KabeerWest77

    WES query for autonomous courses

    If your acronym BMM refers to Bachelor of Mass Media (3/4 year degree or 3 year with a Major) : then I can confirm that if you have graduated from the degree with above 60% in the first attempt itself as a full-time Degree, then WES and/or CES would grant the equivalence as a Canadian Bachelor's...
  15. KabeerWest77

    Kalina or Fort? process to obtain transcript Mum Uni

    Update : As of 2022 : They no longer do this offline at Churchgate as they used to earlier. The entire Transcript and Attestation process (for MU) has been transitioned online. I wasted an entire trip coming into Bombay from out of town - after reading about the offline Attestation process here...