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    Upfront Medical in Calgary

    It was on the medical form i received from CIC,but upfront medical i dont have any idea how to get that.Maybe who has done upfront medical might be able to tell you.
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    Dr.Grunberg/ Calgary

    Hi anyone has done medical at Dr.grunberg,calgary.How long do they take to send the medicals and do you get any confirmation about medicals being sent.
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    Upfront Medical in Calgary

    just apply online at gruberg.ca
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    October 2012 Applications

    Hi Tarun Did you send any email to OTTAWA office to ask if they received your medical or do they send you email that they have received the medicals.Would appreciate if you could let me know.I just finished my medicals today.
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    Thanks Panna
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    Hi guys, Anyone knows if they will ask for new PCC again after medicals or not.Once you receive medicals how much percentage of chances are there to get PR approved.
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    September 2012 Applications

    How much % of chances are there to get PR approved after medical.what are the rest criteria they check after medical.Anyone has any idea about it please.If i get PR can i go back home and come along with my wife together.
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    September 2012 Applications

    Thanks gg08
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    September 2012 Applications

    How many guys from august and September received PP request already?
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    September 2012 Applications

    Thank you Swahid,got it.
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    September 2012 Applications

    Hi Swahid can you kindly share your email for passport request if you dont mind.just want to see what kind of photograph's they are asking for?
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    August 2012 PR Applications

    can anyone share their email for PP request.how many photo's do they ask and what are the other things they ask for.I have received medical already.Is it almost confirmed to get PR or still there are few more steps left for the process.Does the PR photo have to be signed at the back.
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    eMedical enabled CIC Panel physicians

    Any body know if the below mentioned doctor has emedical facility,though his website mentions that not to bring any photo's. Dr. Sabetai Grunberg Suite #203- 1711, 4th Street SW Calgary, Alberta T2S 1V8 Canada
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    What is Bio Data form?

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    confusing email from CIC

    hi Seton can you kindly send me also the bio data form if you dont mind please at anup_swift@hotmail.com
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    What is Bio Data form?

    Anyone knows what is bio data form,can anyone post it or send the attachment as a sample thanks.
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    September 2012 Applications

    Anyone has any idea what are others criteria they check after you receive a medical request.Once you get medical request is it confirmed to get the PR.Anybody can put some light in it. Thanks
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    September 2012 Applications

    Thanks infoseeker, Does anyone have the specification of photo's for medical please.
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    September 2012 Applications

    Hi guys i got my MR today
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    September 2012 Applications

    Hi Infoseeker,when did you apply can you post your dates please. congrats for medicals