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  1. Furri.6

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

    Have you given IELTS yet? If not, i recommend doing that sooner as the crs cut off scores are trending high and will gradually go down in coming months, but since IELTS has opened around the world, a lot of people are entering thr pool everyday (mostly 470+). Hence the sooner the better
  2. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Reasonable explanation.
  3. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    CRS score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of August 18, 2020 CRS score range Number of candidates 601-1200 462 501-600 284 451-500 22,385 491-500 217 481-490 409 471-480 4,302 461-470 8,506 451-460 8,951 401-450 41,235 441-450 8,602 431-440 9,246...
  4. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Get used to alternate draws now on!
  5. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I think you're right. As the no. of candidates in 471-480 have gone down drastically, ircc prolly aims at maintaining high cut off scores by alternating draws here. So sad.
  6. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    This way its gonna be difficult for scores to go below 470
  7. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    14:00 UTC already. No update yet!
  8. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Pnps usually happen by now right?
  9. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    I see optimism fading away from most of them due to high cut off scores
  10. Furri.6

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

  11. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Fingers crossed!
  12. Furri.6

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    At what time do they usually release the draws? I am at 472 fsw hoping for a general draw with cut off 471-472
  13. Furri.6

    Past criminal record, but cleared. What will PCC report say ?

    I dont have any idea about your first question, but to answer your second question, it usually takes only 1 day for pcc unless police verification is required i.e if your current address is not the same as your permanent address, then it would require a police verification and may take upto 15 days.
  14. Furri.6

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

    As per my knowledge, the evaluation process stands same for pnp/fsw and u won't be needing bachelors evaluation. I hope someone from this thread helps you in regards to this and answer this query. @Lulu69 @sara_H_JDT @ashu2111 @Sukhvir.Singh
  15. Furri.6

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

    Wes only accepts electronic transcripts from these online platforms: Digitary Core Gradintelligence My eQuals Norwegian Diploma Registry Please check if your uni uses any of the above mentioned online platforms. At the same time you may also share electronic transcripts through the...
  16. Furri.6

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

    No u just need wes for your Master's. Please check degree evaluation tool on wes website https://applications.wes.org/ca/degree-equivalency-tool/ If your UK Masters is equivalent of Canadian Masters on this website, then you do not have to evaluate your Bachelors
  17. Furri.6

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

    Once your transcripts/documents are accepted, only then you'll get the option to upload degree certificate and translations
  18. Furri.6

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

    Hi guys, just got my WES Completed. Here is my timeline : Account created 8/5/2020 Requested university to share digital transcripts on online platform myeQuals on 8/5/2020 Shared documents through myeQuals to wes on 8/6/2020 Documents received by wes 8/6/2020 All documents were reviewed...