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  1. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    me too since may 31 yes everyone got from may 30 or 31 later tonight, may be we will get it by this sunday for sure
  2. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    My timeline is same ist email received on may 30 composed a new email on may 31 and replied today on the same thread did not receive any credentials
  3. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    i m waiting from may 30
  4. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    NO there should not be any delay if you have any dependents i see people of may 28th got their credentials and june ist and so but we did not, i did one mistake while replying ist time by composing a new email rather then sending a reply to the same thread because my lawyer got the first email...
  5. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    Does anybody waiting for credentials since may 30 , 31?
  6. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    Anybody who got the ist email on may 30 or 31 got thier credentials yet? i Send them second email today in the thread before i sent new mail on 31st
  7. A

    New PR confirmation portal

  8. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    no i m waiting since 31, and i even will send socnd email to the thread because first email i compose
  9. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    no not yet but my lawyer advised me if i dont get it by today sent them in a thread
  10. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    i m since may 31, but i made a mistake i compose new email rather than replying the thread
  11. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    when did you get your ist email?
  12. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    because by composing new email they only have name which could be same to other applicants and UCI , i m not nit sure weather to wait or send another email
  13. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    how long you have to wait for crediential email?
  14. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    hey guys i have a quick question i got ist pr confirmation email from my agent and i did reply by composing a new email with all the information, somebody informed me in this thread that you should reply it rather to send a new email? what should i do now ? wauting for my credenials from may 31
  15. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    one more question i dont have any dependents on my file , and i choose option A -no further email addresses are needed is dat ok? brcause somebody saying its for dependents only, thank you
  16. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    heu buddy whats your timeline, same situation wid me, ist email my lawyer send it to me 30 may, 2021 and i composed new email on 31st didnt get any credentials email yet? thats why i m litle worried
  17. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    hi there is a quick question in my mind when i recieve first pr confirmation portal email, i go to compose email and write ircc email and write the details and send it to them is that the right procedure or we need to hit reply? pls help
  18. A

    New PR confirmation portal

    Thank you for you reply