Hy friends ,
I need sponsor ship from Manitoba ? Can any-one know who can provide me sponsorhip as a friend for manitoba province ? I can pay amount for this help/sponsorship.
Hy Dear ,
I am interested to apply for skill worker category under AOT computer engineering.
currently i am working in Dubai from last 2 year.
My question is that ..
in which office i should send my application--Hong Kong or Monteral Canada ? Basically i am from pakistan .
2ndly how i can...
Dear brother/sister.
I need urgent information regarding about submission my Quebec Skill worker Application.
My Total score is 67 which is fullfilled their skill worker category points. My score become 67 and i don't have any knowledge about french language. (total points requirement is 63)...
Dear ,
I am thinking to apply for visit visa. My question is that.
canada visit is valid for how much time ? like 6month , 1 year , 5 year ?
after getting visit visa , in how much time i need to move canada ?
Please elaborate about timings of visa.
Becholor Degree is B.COM and MBA. So education is different then this field. It will make any difficulty ?
By yours point of view, Its means She can apply under this NOC because jobs duties are fullfilled.
Dear experts.
Please advice , one of my friend has done MBA and now she is working as "health and safety manager" in one industry Unit of textile.Can she apply under
"2263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety" NOC.
Her study is MBA , Due to MBA...
Dear experts ,
I have done MS telecommunication.
my education is 18 years.
I have elder brother in canada. (Ontario)
i have 7 year of experience in telecommunication field.
My age is 29 year old.
My IELTS score is Reading 5.5 ,Speaking 5.5 , writing 6.5 speaking 6
Please can any body guide...
Yes i know federal skill worker is different then Federal Skill worker trade programe. My Question is about Federal Skill trade program , that How i can get skill certificate from canada ? Can i apply online for that certificate.
Dear members ,
Please can any person help that for Federal Skill worker trade programe , CIC mentioned at their website that “certificates of qualification in the skilled trades”
I am confuse about getting the skill qualification certificate ? How I can get it and for getting this...
What need to do at the time of Filling the form for Canada Immigration under FSW program. Should i need to show them my back statement ? or property evidance(registry). Please guide in this scenario.