I 'M in suprise what 's the rule?
is it a rule in this process!!
I think just CHANCE is imoprtant here.
and poor us that haven't it.
in this process .I lost something that could be valuable
instead of them I became sick, :(
Sohrab jan
I wanna thank you for everthing ,being you in this forum always causes motivation
in other members,
I wish you 'll have good life beside your wife,
don't forget us in this hard situation :)
Dear Kazhal
I think it's better you have a trip to Ankara & go to embassy and asking them,
because there wasn't any answers to ur email,
you have to do something,come on :D
Lele Sweetie
I agree with u ,it's too silent :(
plz pray for me, I hope that it would be a rule in Ankara office that when Ecase shows In process,
it means we 'll get ppr after one week
if you want reply a member click "quote" on left side
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you have to click your profile and fill ur information
I hope that I could help you :)
Thanks Raha joonam :-*
they haven't given my ppr yet , but if it goes as the others that got Visa recently ,mine is coming
I wish all of us benig inCanada in summer :D