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  1. EmmaShazma83

    Busting myths and best practices for app tracking. ***Monthly WhatsAPP ITA help groups!****

    I am post-PPR and waiting for COPR and would like to join a group for landing discussions, please. Thank you.
  2. EmmaShazma83

    Post-ITA Upfront Medicals

    Thanks for the response. I'll go in person to the clinic and bring my ITA and explain my situation.
  3. EmmaShazma83

    Post-ITA Upfront Medicals

    Hi guys, I called the panel clinics here in my country and they mentioned that I need to have a valid IME number in order to do an upfront medical check up. I could not find this number anywhere in the correspondences with CIC so far or from the online application. Does this mean I don't do...
  4. EmmaShazma83

    Enquiry about Medical

    I have a question related to Medicals. If I were to do a Medical for this ITA, and then later decline it because other documents are not ready, would I have to do a new Medical for the new ITA or can it be used of the new ITA? Thanks!
  5. EmmaShazma83

    Ray of hope 57th draw?

    I got my ITA!
  6. EmmaShazma83

    WES Evaluation taking too long

    Hey man, try hitting up their twitter. I was waiting for my result too and felt it was taking too long, sent in Jan and no news until March. Once I hit their twitter, and DMd them my reference number, I got the result within 48 hours. True story. I think it's @wescanada but do double check.
  7. EmmaShazma83

    Name in passport containing "BIN"

    Ah thank you! Good to know.
  8. EmmaShazma83

    Name in passport containing "BIN"

    Hi guys, in my country they use the words "Bin" or "Binti" for male and female respective. These words mean "son of" and "daughter of" and actually is not part of our names. However, they always show up in the passports. Should I include it in the First Name section of the application, since...
  9. EmmaShazma83

    Proof of Funds (Express Entry)

    If this is true then Malaysian applicants should also be able to use our EPF as POF? But how are the funds being considered by CIC as liquid? Are Singaporeans able to withdraw as they wish from the Central Provident Fund?
  10. EmmaShazma83

    How long between EE completion and "Being in the Pool"?

    Thank you very much for the clarification. I really appreciate it. :)
  11. EmmaShazma83

    How long between EE completion and "Being in the Pool"?

    My apologies for a basic question but I couldn't find anywhere information about this. Presuming my online EE is complete, how long does it take to be considered as being in the pool of candidates eligible for the next draw?
  12. EmmaShazma83

    Proof of Funds, when is it required?

    Thank you for the clarification!
  13. EmmaShazma83

    Proof of Funds, when is it required?

    Hi everyone, new here and trying to understand more about the process. Right now in the midst of taking IELTS and getting an ECA. I have a question about the proof of funds, is it asked for during the online profile registration, or after the ITA is issued? I ask this because based on the...