:( :( I went through all forum nobody received work visa from chandigarh last 3 month.is there any way to confirm about processing time?20month is too much?where should i call to get confirmation about processing time?Really frustrated
20 month processing time look like true because I applied 23rd may online application.even they asked for medical on 23 july after that no update,status showing medical passed and file status open.
actually it was online application and they just asked for medical not passport ,I thought after medical they gonna asked for passport after 10 to15 days but till now no update.
cong. which visa office u applied ?and u got medical request and passport submission together ?I also applied from chandigarh but we just received medical request on 23 july after that almost 40 days no update just showing medical passed.
yes varinder u r right.I applied 23' may still waiting more than 3 month ,really no idea what going on ,very frustrated hope so in september they will be free and we will get positive result
Ya 3rd august they received and change my status to passed .after that almost one month not update?usually after medical take 10 to 15 days thats y am very worried.
they gonna start december application ,anybody have any guess for that still they working on november application any chance for december's applicant this year. thanks