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Search results

  1. blacky

    FSW 2014 applicants from Nigeria - Let's network

    cc charge time after apps recevd is reducing great news for oct and nov apps... fingers crossed noc 0712 app recevd nov 12
  2. blacky

    FSW 2014 Managerial positions let network here 0711/0712/0811/0911/0112/0113/012

    I really dont know if these listed managerial roles apps are specially assessed,but it wasnt stated anywhere. waiting... noc 0712 app recvd nov 12.
  3. blacky

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I can see a reduction in cc charging waiting times.. great news for oct/nov apps good luck everyone
  4. blacky

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    whats the posibility that my app recieved on nov 12th is the 9th app updated? Noc-0712 app recvd-nov 12th cap 8 last update but 9 as of today. what do u guys think?
  5. blacky

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    for sept applicant,cc charge should b expected next month
  6. blacky

    FSW 2014 applicants from Nigeria - Let's network

    it will get to cic soon,mine was delayed for 2days u will b fine.
  7. blacky

    October 2014 Application - DD encashed - Software engineer

    going by cic trend,its not posible but who knows...
  8. blacky

    Can existing FSW applicants apply for EOI In 2015!!!

    am currently waiting for the outcome of my fsw application. I ve been thinking too,if i can apply for EOI?
  9. blacky

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    submitted application nov 6,delivered nov 12th. noc 0712. waiting...
  10. blacky

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    peena,u will get ur ECA report b4 december 8,i assure u .mine was schedule to be ready oct 10 2014 but came in sept 15th i.e 2weeks b4 time.be calm
  11. blacky

    Whats next

    pls am new.i submitted my application nov 6 2014 and it was received 12nov 2014.what should i expect next?