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  1. H

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    If 3/5 rule is available in online physical presence calculator on the 11th Oct, you can put as date of signature...
  2. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    Based on this article http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/citizenship-rules-residency-language-1.4327130 I estimate 185K Applicants in year 2018.
  3. H

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    @sistemc Both Oct 11 and 12 are equally valid. Most important thing is: The date of signature should be one and the same in both the application form and physical presence calculation!
  4. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    You can use passport as 2nd ID. Check the following line http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/CIT0002ETOC.asp#CIT0002E4 Relevant parts 4. Two (2) pieces of personal identification Both pieces of identification should show your name and date of birth, one of which must...
  5. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    Please read this link https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/752/~/i-still-have-my-i-94
  6. H

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Do share the info here, will help us to build a good database
  7. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    @Rahulkumargupta What you need is the medium of instruction. Follow the link: http://facts.ibcindia.co.in/index.php/12-facts-blog/281-medium-of-instruction-english-certificate-from-bangalore-university
  8. H

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    @westzhu Yes 10/11 its! Log your info here if you send your application on or after that!
  9. H

    Oct 2017 - Bill C24 Applicants

    @westzhu Yes 10/11 its! Log your info here if you send your application before that!
  10. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    online physical presence calculator that does 3/5 rule with be available during the wee hours of Oct 11, 2017. I think they will shut down CIC website for a few minutes at 12 AM EDT on Oct 11, 2017 and relaunch the whole site again in few minutes with new forms, tools, and content... @Rid879
  11. H

    Oct 2017 - Bill C24 Applicants

    Not a word! Vow, very apt I must say!
  12. H

    Oct 2017 - Bill C24 Applicants

    @marcher please add @loz1749 Hi can someone please add me to the spreadsheet. Before c6 App sent sept 29th App received oct 3rd 1466 days Single Montreal Thank you
  13. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    Before I say anything more, Did you visit USA after 5th June '17?
  14. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    Then take copies of you paper i-94 and keep it! Even if the entry date is wrong, the correct expiry date is also a valid indirect reference to the entry date. When you enter US by land they provide you multiple entry i-94. CBSA officers do not remove it from the passport because they assume...
  15. H

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    If you are absolutely absolutely absolutely sure that you have 1460 days physical presence in Canada, Applying on the 9th Oct would not harm! My friendly advice: Wait for two days and get 367 extra days of residence for peace of mind! Apply on 11th Oct even if it means more paper work!
  16. H

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Congratulations to both of you! Calgary is fast processing center! http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/citizenship-processing-time-by-location-cpc.520960/
  17. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    Question: what is expiry date on the i-94? Yes, I have couple of ideas: First of all, get some printouts of your i-94 right away from their website keep it in a safe place! Very important!!! If your i-94 travel history is correct, that's what CBSA records will show When it comes to proving RO...
  18. H

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    At the behest of @MarceauBletard I am creating a new thread for the Oct 2017 Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule!
  19. H

    Bill C6 - Official and verified facts!

    @medoo Answer to you question "Should we send a Copy or the original from birth certificate translation? Thanks advance" If the applicant is an adult, neither is needed. If the applicant is a minor, send only the copy!
  20. H

    Applying for citizenship without PR Card / Processing time Bill C6

    Yes Here's the historical data Processing times 2015-16->2016-17-> As of now -----------> 21 Months->15 Months->12 Months My prediction is Processing times 2015-16->2016-17-> 2018 -----------> 21 Months->12 Months->18 Months More info here ->...