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  1. special3220

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    OMG, that is so fast, Congratz man.
  2. special3220

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    My AOR is 9th of August and I am still waiting, I think you have around 3 weeks or maybe more to go before seeing updates.
  3. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 98th Draw

    Ray of hope thread are very quiet now a days even on the draw date. Hope dwindling for everyone?
  4. special3220

    August 2018 AOR - Join here

    For this 8 months, what did you put in your personal history during filing the application? And now they are asking for schedule A? or just a normal LOE?
  5. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 97th Draw

    For once I accurately predicted the Draw.
  6. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 97th Draw

    Prediction for today... ITAs : 3750 Cut off: 440 Tie Break : February-March
  7. special3220

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    Even though my AOR was just yesterday, in the background check section, I am seeing this status "We are processing your background check. We will send you a message if we need more information." Does it mean my background check is underway or is it just normal message at this point of time?
  8. special3220

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    AOR- August 09. Finally I am here. Glad to be out of Ray of hope threads, Now the wait begins....
  9. special3220

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    I have an issue with my name. My passport name is MD Tawfiqul Hasan however, in my certificates, job id and bank accounts it is MD. Tawfiqul Hasan. Is this dot going to be a problem for me? If yes what should I do in this case?
  10. special3220

    Confusion Regarding Address History and Personal History

    Well I am pretty confused regarding what to do at the moment. you see I have been living in my current address for last 9 years. However in 2016 both me and wife moved to her house for 5 months due to the birth of our baby. We both were unemployed at that time. Now how should I reflect this in...
  11. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 96th Draw

    I dont understand how can you say there is no surge. Just take the numbers that we have and analyse them. ON July 19 there were 2167 profile in the 441 and above. Now my estimate is currently there are 150 profile left in 441. So before the draw today there were 3900 profile in 441 and above. So...
  12. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 95th Draw

    Finally received ITA although the circumstance is not what I intended when I first entered the pool in January nonetheless it is good to finally see something positive during a draw day. Congratulations to all who receive the ITA today. And for the rest, keep your hope alive but don't let the...
  13. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 95th Draw

    Last week draw happened at 12.07 UTC and published at 14.00 UTC.
  14. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 95th Draw

    Draw rarely published this early, still long way to go...
  15. special3220

    FDR as part of POF

    Can I just encash the FDR before submitting my application and show the fund in my saving account instead of going for the hassle to prove that it is encashable at any time. I understand thay in this case I will have to submit and LOE eith the FDR statement to show that the fund came from my own...
  16. special3220

    FDR as part of POF

    I am planning to use my 3 month FDR as part of my total fund. The FDR was opened 6 months ago and it has since matured twice and currently it has been renewed for the third time with the present maturity date on 23/10/2018. Now the original FDR certificate that I had received had a maturity date...
  17. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 95th Draw

    Guys do you think the attack in Toronto today will have any bearing on the possible draw this Wednesday?
  18. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 95th Draw

    The possibility of the cut off to be 447 or 448 is basically nill. In order for the score to be above 445 the no of entry above 450 will have to be over 200 and nothing even close to that ever happened. most likely the score will remain 442 or may be +- from that.
  19. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 95th Draw

    ROH seems rather very active for a boring tuesday. I tried to be logical and helping towards all the people below 440 but if no draw tomorrow then my ray of hope ends here. I will be forced to take hard decisions then but this is the present scenerio at the moment. The amount of high scoring...
  20. special3220

    Ray of Hope - 95th Draw

    The questions is will it be an issue later on if the immigration officer find the reason not satisfactory? I mean he can ask for ADR and even after that if he doesnt feel satisfied with the reply does it qualify as misrepresentation or any such thing?