this is totally insane,,,u didnt get any interview letter yet?im also july 2013 applicants ,,interview was faced before 1 and half month ago but still they are not sending re- medical request,,dont know what they are doing////////
does travel history effects on remedical letter? coz i faced my interview on 30th march 2015, till now i didnt receive remedical letter,,i also hve travel history for 5yrs in europe ,,,,,,,,
HEY guys any idea why NDVO is making so late in the process?there are some 2013 applicants who are still waiting for the visa and some are waiting for remedical letter after interview,,,,god knows how much time they ganna tke to finalised?pls share ur views
yes it was 30th march 2015,,its almost 12 days now no any letter yet ,,she returned my pp and other documents saying that we ll send a remedical letter
hi ravi,,,did they send u a remedical letter?if yes after how long of ur interview did they send u a letter?my interview was on 30th march 2015 but still didnt got the remedical letter
the main thing u hve to see is last 2 pages NOTES whenther its interview is recommended or not and due date,,and security,,criminality etc passed or not and ur file is in transit etcetc