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  1. sufi

    Yahoooooooo, I have got what I've wanted. Visaaaaaaaaaa

    Ohhhhhhhhhh !!! I seriously don't have words to describe my feelings at this time. I haven't slept since yesterday although I tried a lot to sleep for few hours but that couldn't happen. I was really tensed and worried. Actually I was just wasting my time sitting free in home since I applied...
  2. sufi

    Heyy ! I got this mail from CHC Islamabad

    Heyy ! Thank you brotha. It was seriously a long wait. Now let see what happens tomorrow, So wish me luck !!! I wish that we all get our visas and meet in Canada.
  3. sufi

    Heyy ! I got this mail from CHC Islamabad

    Hey ! I have applied for Ontario on 5th May 2011.
  4. sufi

    Passport dispatched yesterday...so tensed!!!

    Heyy its a good sign. Go ahead send all your requested transcripts and I hope that visa will be in your hands soon. I'm also going for georgian college. I applied 7 months ago from Pakistan and get a message today that my application is finalized and will be sent to me in coming days. I might...
  5. sufi

    Submitted my Visa Application Yesterday

    Heyy ! best of luckk ! May you get your visa !!! :)
  6. sufi


    Hey best of luckkk Viva !! Will see you in Canada if I get my permit ! LOL !
  7. sufi

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad

    Hey welcome here ! Firstly let me tell you that Whatever I heard they don't send passports out of country. They do whole processing here except the medical where they just send our medical reports to New Dehli. Thats it. Secondly, I have not heard any body getting visa without a medical. That...
  8. sufi

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad

    Hello people "Visa officer of Ontario is back on work" !LOLLL. I'm the one here who has applied for Ontario and em gonna get my passport back tomorrow after medical. So it means that officer is back. !LOL. I dont know if its my visa or a refusal but this is sure that he's back. I received a...
  9. sufi

    Accomodation for centennial girls

    Hmmm thats really nice of you but what if punjabi boy needs ? LOL
  10. sufi

    probability of getting visa after medical

    According to me its just on your medical report specially in Pakistan where they give you call for a medical not like India where applicants do pre-medical. So best of luck ! Have faith on ALLAH. May you get your visa.
  11. sufi

    Medical Done.. PP Sent Back.. Waiting for Visa Now InshaAllah.

    Hey !! Best of luck brotha !! You will get it soon inshALLAH. I'm gonna get my passport back after medical tomorrow or in a coming days . Wish me luckkk !!! :) It's been 7 months since I applied for a student permit.
  12. sufi

    Heyy ! I got this mail from CHC Islamabad

    Yeaaa I'm hoping for the best. It seems that you're a new member. Kindly let us now about your application status ?? Thank you !!
  13. sufi

    Heyy ! I got this mail from CHC Islamabad

    Hey ! Thanks alot brotha !! You people are so helpful. I seriously enjoyed my 7 months of waiting here in this forum. Although it was very difficult. Now let see what happens tomorrow. Remember me in your prayers. May we all get our visas !!! Ps: I'm ready to re-apply if I get refusal...
  14. sufi

    Heyy ! I got this mail from CHC Islamabad

    I just asked for my application status on Monday. So I received this mail today after 3 days. Let see now ~!
  15. sufi

    Heyy ! I got this mail from CHC Islamabad

    I applied on 5th may 2011. I have just checked my Tcs courier status and it changed to " Return To Orgin". It means that I'm gonna get it tomorrow. So please pray for me !!!!! Do or Die for me
  16. sufi

    still waiting pray for me

    Wasalam Mehmoodi Bhai !! I think they don`t have enough staff here in Pakistan therefore they are talking some time. So please be relaxed and don`t be worried. You will here good news in coming few days. Have faith in ALLAH. Look at me, I received my medical after more then 5 months. I hope...
  17. sufi

    Heyy ! I got this mail from CHC Islamabad

    Heyy Everyone !!! I just got this mail from CHC Islambad. Have a look : - Dear Client: In reply to your mail (see below) please be informed that your application has been finalized and documents would be returned in coming days. Regards, Immigration Section Now I dont know whether to be...
  18. sufi


    It will definitely increase your chances. Have faith on ALLAH. May you get your visa on time. Best of luckk ! :)
  19. sufi


    Eid Mubarak guys. May we all get our student permits and then we should arrange a get-together in Canada. You people are greatt ! I would love to meet you guys. !!!!!!!! Remember me in your prayers as I have done with medical. Takecare !!!!
  20. sufi

    Medical done :)

    Kashif bhai your case is bit similar with me. I received my medical call on 18th october. But it was my first medical since I applied in May. Best of luck brothaa ! May we both get our visa and will fly together !LOL