If you comply with the required point, is good enough.
Be cool, just arrange required doc's accordingly. you have time so check documents carefully, because of the competition if there is any mistake cic will return those without communication. So go through them meticulously and prepare...
According to your last few posts, we bangalies are unpor, jahil, gaoar, corrupt, mentally how could you expect us the forum members to seat with you? You don't possess any respect to the forum members? I really don't understand??
BHAI apni r MMh93 bhai to onek joggo lok kono corruption jibone koren nai to apnara deshe theke deshtake
Change koren na keno? Ek ta example create koren j apnara abroad a na jeye desher corruption, problems change korar cheshta korchen. Then amra salute korbo. Nije bideshe jeye...