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  1. B

    Student Visa.. how long does it take?

    Guys i am not sure do anyone understand me, if you read carefully what i was writing you will see that i said "I know that nobody can tell me will i get or not visa". To be honest i do not care that much about that, there is 200 more countries in the world and if my money stinking to Canada for...
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    Student Visa.. how long does it take?

    I know that nobody can tell me am i going to get a visa or not, only think i would like to ask is it more likely to get a student visa than other kind since i am bringing money into the country? Thanks.
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    ##### Applicants VO Vienna please join #####

    Da li se to tice svih vrsta viza ili samo za pojedine, pitam to iz razloga jer ja apliciram kao student i unosim im novac u zemlju a znam da oni mnogo vole novac? Da li imas neka licna iskustva ili saznanja u vezi dobijanja viza za zemlje koje si naveo medju kojima je i Srbija? To me sve zanima...
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    ##### Applicants VO Vienna please join #####

    Ma sto se mene tice neka me odbiju ako hoce, ako im moj novac smrdi nema nikakvih problema, samo zelim brz odgovor jer ima i drugih zemalja na svetu a vremena je malo. Hvala na odgovoru.
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    ##### Applicants VO Vienna please join #####

    Hello i am new here, i just applied for a student visa in Vienna from my country Serbia, i would like to ask is maybe anyone know how long does it usually take for respond from embassy? Thanks
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    study Visa application in Vienna

    Hello i am new here, i just applied for a student visa in Vienna from my country Serbia, i would like to ask is anyone know how long does it usually take for respond from embassy? Thanks
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    Student Visa.. how long does it take?

    Hello i am new here, i just applied for a student visa in Vienna from my country Serbia, i would like to ask is maybe anyone know how long does it usually take for respond from embassy? Thanks!