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  1. jckailun

    CSQ Inland Cap-exempt application timeline

    Ca devrait etre le Programme régulier des travailleurs qualifiés, parce qu'il a dit << cap-exempt>>.
  2. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    Hey guys. Check this out- www.quebecpeq.com/post-506.html. For those who cannot read Chinese like me, you may wanna translate the page into your language. It seems quite clear now that MIDI was only ensuring every PEQ applicant has the genuine French ability, and they trust the CCI very much...
  3. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    Good to hear that. Did you attend an interview?
  4. jckailun

    J'ai mon frère a Montréal qu'elle sont mes chances

    Salut. Ton frère habite à Montréal, mais je ne pense pas qu’il est utile pour immigrer au Québec. Tu dois demander une nouvelle application que tu es l’applicant principal. L’application est basée sur un système de points si tu demandes dans la catégorie PRTQ. Dans la catégorie PEQ, tu dois...
  5. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    From what I've been seeing around, I don't think there's a pattern and this is why everybody is stuck in the way. Regardless of the category to which you belong, as long as you're a PEQ applicant, you may receive either a letter or a CSQ. Obviously, MIDI is working to assess the genuine ability...
  6. jckailun

    apply study permit with CSQ !?

    Well, I don't know if there's such limitation for QSW candidates. You may want to call them for advice.
  7. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    This is probably the best solution to the current situation. Good luck and update us had there be any updates.
  8. jckailun

    Waiting for CAQ

    Just want to know more about you case. How did you prove your French ability? Was it a TEFAQ report form, or a transcript of French courses? What’s your grade? Did you get an AOR letter or an invitation to the interview or nothing?
  9. jckailun

    Got c1 for peq application.

    Hey, wish everything goes well with you. As far as I know, the TEFAQ scores can only be reviewed and verified ONCE- so if I were you, I would’ve applied for a verification of your score so that you can apply right away for a CSQ if your performance is not downgraded to lower than B2, or you...
  10. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    Anyhow, it's heard that changes are coming to Quebec's immigration rules. For temporary foreign residents, they have become more welcoming. At least it's how they are acting.
  11. jckailun

    Certification of Trades for CEC?

    Sure. I'll contact the responsible department to ask about this. Thanks mate. Btw one the rationales that I want to move out of Quebec is that the Department of Immigration of Quebec is absolutely ruining potential immigrants.
  12. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    So is it to say the applicants whose life's ruined by MIDI are earlier applicants, like those lodged their application back in 2017?
  13. jckailun

    RE: CEC work experience

    No, unfortunately, self-employed experiences, even if it's done on PGWP, does not count towards the working experiences under CEC.
  14. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    Now the big picture is that most of the applicants being targeted and ambushed are from China, India and the Middle East, and clearly nobody actually knows what's wrong with MIDI. They are still promoting the PEQ to all workers and students in Quebec. Are they nuts?
  15. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    Go to quebecpeq.com. Their admin has been very responsive and aspiring to temporary residents in Quebec. You're Chinese so you can absolutely comprehend their contents. By the way, cordially I invite all PEQ applicants being affected by their actions to speak up, either on social media or to...
  16. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    This is not going to work. I don't think the Federal Minister of immigration of Canada would help with Quebec immigration applicants because you know from day 1 that Quebec Immigration has merely nothing to do with Ottawa beside background check and kinds of stuff. This is a part of the...
  17. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    Sorry to hear what has happened to you and your partner. Indeed I understand your feeling because I'm almost in the same boat. Where are you from? Can't you apply for like a Visitor Record to prolong your stay? Tweeting is no way really going to work unless more of us speak out. I've tweeted on...
  18. jckailun

    PEQ application delay for CSQ 2018

    By the way does anyone know recent PEQ applicants who had gotten his/her application processed regularly - within 20 days excluding postal delays?
  19. jckailun

    Need advice for Express Entry

    Hey if you hold a job now, I think you can renew your work permit and work in Canada when your current WP will have been expired later this year. But if you don't, you can try to apply for and do interviews for jobs out of Quebec - this can serve as one of the pieces of evidence that you are...