Check other threads as well like 1) work permit application past processing time 2) canada work permit processing from uae Abudabi will get more clear idea....
I have read through other forums as well on, looks like ICT processing delays has started by the end of Septembr 2019. Application previous to this, like applicants on this thread got ICT processed in 2 to 5 weeks. And now its 7 to 9 months processing, I am sitting on 5 months nw...
Hi Guys, my application is now 5 months, upfront medical and biometric were done, my attorney applied in Canada while I stay in Muscat. Waiting time is crazy there is no update at all...any updates from your end ?
Hi Mansoor
Did you get ur work permit ? My case is similar to urs, 1 week post application I received a msg for biometrics which I did, but no news after that....its been 19 weeks now after the biometrics....