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  1. M

    PNP PR PAPER-BASED - April May June July 2019 Applicant —— Let’s share timeline and contact here!!!

    Hi all Today is my 30 mouths of waitting. AR march 2019 AOR may 2019 PNP , Inland aplicant with outland dépendants Second médical passed in jun 2021 All of them are full vaccine nows Waitting for DM What do you think ???
  2. M

    PNP PR PAPER-BASED - April May June July 2019 Applicant —— Let’s share timeline and contact here!!!

    Hi My AR is march 2019 Inland with outland dépendant . All of them are full vaccine now . Sdcond médical is done . Do you think It’s will elp to have DM ????? Trank you
  3. M

    PNP PR PAPER-BASED - April May June July 2019 Applicant —— Let’s share timeline and contact here!!!

    Yes AOR may 2019 Hop’s COPR coming soon for you Emily . Trank you for tour encouragement !
  4. M

    PNP PR PAPER-BASED - April May June July 2019 Applicant —— Let’s share timeline and contact here!!!

    I am very happy for you Emily !!!! My AOR is may 2019 Are you inland with outland dépendant ? Trankil you
  5. M

    2019 PNP paper applicants who waiting for MR please join

    Today 30 mouths waitting… AR march 20219 inland aplicant with outland dépendants, we all vacciné , and we all passed second médical in jun 2021 . Waitting for DM
  6. M

    PNP PR PAPER-BASED - April May June July 2019 Applicant —— Let’s share timeline and contact here!!!

    Hi Emily That mean you get DM ?? Tel us more please , we are on same Time Line ( AR march 2021 inland with outland dépendants ) my self and my dépendants are all vaccine and we all passed second médical in jun 2021 waitting for DM … Trankil you
  7. M

    Forum for Inland Principal Applicant with Outland Dependents only

    Inland aplicant with outland dépendants . There is 30 mouths waitting for DM . AR march 2019 . second médical passed for all in jun 2021 . 30 mouths is long wait …
  8. M

    Principal Applicant (Inland) Dependent (Outland) during COVID-19

    AR march 2019 AOR mat 2019 Inland aplicant with outland dépendants Second médical passed for all in jun 2021 . Outland dépendants are coming to Canada in september . Hop’s DM is coming soon ……….
  9. M

    January 2019 onwards Paper Based PR Applicants waiting for AOR/MR/PPR

    You can apply for new work permit from 3 mouths before you working permit expire not before
  10. M

    January 2019 onwards Paper Based PR Applicants waiting for AOR/MR/PPR

    My self inland aplicant ans 3 outland dépendant passed second médical in jun 2021 . AR march 2019 AOR mat 2019 Waitting…
  11. M

    January 2019 onwards Paper Based PR Applicants waiting for AOR/MR/PPR

    That a good question ….. There is 29 mouths now we waitting……
  12. M

    January 2019 onwards Paper Based PR Applicants waiting for AOR/MR/PPR

    We all passed second médical in jun 2021 , waitting for DM ……
  13. M

    2019 paper based still waiting for DM please join

    March 2019, second médical done jun 2021 , waitting for DM , inland with outland dépendant
  14. M

    January 2020 on wards Paper Based PR Applicants waiting for AOR/MR/PPR connect here.

    AR march 2019 AOR may 2019 inland applicant with 3 outland dependant waiting for DM last update was 3 weeks ago CIC asked for second medical request for all members familly ( inland and outland ) medical exam is done last week , jun 3
  15. M

    Principal Applicant (Inland) Dependent (Outland) during COVID-19

    hi AR march 2019 AOR may 2019 inland aplicant with 3 outland dependant every think passed waiting for decision made I had a second medical request 3 week ago for all familly member (inland and outland ) second medical exam is done (last week jun 3 ) doctor sent the medical result to CIC...
  16. M

    January 2019 onwards Paper Based PR Applicants waiting for AOR/MR/PPR

    my happointment for second medical exam was jun 3 . it's take 10 days for the doctor to sent the result to CIC . from now ,i am waitting update from CIC to know if I passed the medical ....I don't now the wait !
  17. M

    January 2019 onwards Paper Based PR Applicants waiting for AOR/MR/PPR

    is somebody know when travel restriction will lift .................................?