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  1. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Aoa Huma, First of all, heartiest congratulations!!:D secondly, could you plix share your timeline? I'm more interested in the time between rcving IMM forms, Re-med and PPR request.. In your case, since there was no re-med; how did the process exactly proceed towards the end? Thanks in...
  2. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    hey.. if you could kindly add my name to the list too.. thankss!! Rcvd AOR: 6 July 2010 Re-IMM & supplement forms: 14 July 2011 Re-Med: 9 Aug 2011 Re-Med done: 10 Aug 2011 waiting for PPR now.. fingers crossed and prayers for all!!
  3. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    *appkay mooon main ghee shakar* :p
  4. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    hey.. I inquired from this site once and never got a reply. but then I emailed on my husband's behalf (he's in canada) and they replied the very next day saying our file was in process. so you can give it a shot and see if you get any reply, it's def worth the try!!
  5. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Oh my GOD!! CHC is violating like a dozen rules & regulations!! No wonder the time-line for Pakistan sucks!! You've taken a great step Pgalboy! I just hope & pray that it benefits the cause!! Jazakallah!!
  6. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    nope.. not online!! section A is what the CHC sends you. Section B-E are with the MP. so you don't have to worry about those forms!! as soon as you get your re-med, book a medical appointment!! good luck!!
  7. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    I've a couple of questions. Everyone, please give feedback. 1) how long does it usually take for CHC to request the passport after re-med? ie: in our case, I got my re-med last week and got it done Aug 10th. Now, how long do I have to tentatively wait before they ask us for the ppr? I am...
  8. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Aoa.. First of all, congratulations!! secondly, I was wondering: where do you live in pakistan? ie: i've noticed that the mail is quite problematic for Karachi and region, whereas for Islamabad and Lahore, it's faster.
  9. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    O wow!! My address disappeared again!!! Last time it did tu I got my re-apps and supp forms request!! Inshallah re-med this time!! Ps: what's the scenario for launching a complaint against CHC-I? I'm in!
  10. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Sahi.. thanks!! *fingers crossed for a miracle* *and SOON*
  11. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Hmm.. thankss for the info.. and one declares these things at the time of immigration? ie: on the form they send us or what? because I havn't even rcvd my medical yet..hence I've absolutely NO idea about the forms..
  12. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    so sorry to hear about your loss!! may his soul rest in peace..ameen!!
  13. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Haylo!! Since you seem to have all the information, I thought I'd ask you this.. What's the procedure for claiming customs etc? what else can we claim? as in.. I've heard that you can take anything and everything on YOUR first landing to Canada as a PR, as long as you declare everything on...
  14. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    TCS/ fedEx!! I've always couriered them stuff!! I personally think that's better as they have to physically put all the stuff after opening your file.. they just might think of something and push your file ahead if things are updated!!:p
  15. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    FINALLYY!! Thanks for confirming.. I assumed the same!!
  16. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Oh woww!! Mashallah that's great!! I hope our file follows the same timeline as we applied June 10. Ps: I've asked before, and am asking again.. WHAT is an AOR??
  17. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    Ohh.. rightt!! thankss for the input..
  18. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    hey.. thankss!!! things are a little clearer now, and don't seem sooooo baad!! *phew*
  19. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    thanks a lot saggit! your detailed reply really helped..but just a couple of questions: 1) courier results go to new delhi? wasn't it supposed to be chc-isl? Do they have the new delhi address or will I have to provide it? (coz I don't know the address) 2) I've heard it takes longer if you get...
  20. Z

    CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

    I need a little guidance and anyone who has faced a similar situation/ or has any suggestions is most welcome to add their comments. We got our first letter (dated july 9' 2011) asking for re-filled supplement and other forms, along with my husband's passport copy. That makes my Brought Forward...